
Stop Making It Easy

I've been thinking about something lately. A guy I loved a lot...and how I used to work overtime to make as much as possible "easy" for him.

And 20/20 hindsight is making me wonder why in the world I ever did that...

I think women are classicly plagued by two entirely different challenges...all at the very same time. We wrestle with being "too much" and "not enough". Having this internal struggle alongside the desire of finding Mr. Right is a recipe for disaster. And in my became about making everything as "easy" as I could so that he never had to deal with the burden of "me". Maybe so he would also stay???...could be.

What a colossal CROCK!

Men are truly wired to step it up in the pursuit of the feminine least, a man who isn't passive is. Our mystery...and our necessary for him as much as ourselves. It calls him out into a fantastic adventure of the heart...WITH US!

So...don't you ever be "easy".

I did...I was always available. I was always accomodating. I always listened. Rarely challenged.


At least...I became more aware of how much it sucked by the end. And once I saw it, there was no undoing it. There was nothing delightful about "easy", and there was no more pursuit in him to believe I was actually more. No matter how much I tried it was the "norm". I was "usable", and anything beyond "easy" was shot down. So, the last "easy" thing I did was to finally walk away. I gave him the easy out so he didn't have to worry about how to close things off.

Come to think of it...all the work of making it "easy" for him was actually extremely difficult for me. I couldn't be myself, and while not being physically alone, I was desperately lonely. When I really and truly wanted to was too late and unacceptable.

So...let me say it again...don't you ever be "easy". Your mystery is so key to who you are...wonderful you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Agree Agree Agree. I almost got married in not being truthful in who I was. If you are not who you truely are you will never be happy. You will be living a lie and living in pain with that lie.
